ini artikel yg aku amik dari
kenapa aku citer pasal kanser darah ni, ank buah aku yg masuk spital last week... doktor inform dia mungkin ada kanser darah... hmm now 3 minggu kena stay kat spital utk rawatan lbh lanjut... kena tggu btl ke ada kanser... hmmm baru jer 15thn... thn ni nak amik PMR plak... hope xde apa2 penyakit yg berbahaya....
Ruangan ini telah disediakan untuk membantu anda memahami lebih mendalam lagi tentang leukemia. Terdapat beberapa bentuk leukemia, oleh itu kadang-kala, di dalam maklumat ini kita berbicara tentang 'penyakit leukemia' secara keseluruhan. Leukemia merupakan penghasilan sel-sel darah yang tidak teratur yang boleh terjadi pada semua orang tidak mengira peringkat umur.
Ramai orang berasa terkejut dan bimbang apabila mereka diberitahu bahawa mereka menghidapi leukemia dan kami faham perasaan mereka. Maklumat yang berikut bertujuan untuk membantu anda memahami diagnosis dan rawatan penyakit ini. Kami juga memasukkan maklumat tentang perkhidmatan-perkhidmatan sokongan yang ada disediakan.
Kami tidak dapat menasihati anda tentang rawatan yang paling baik buat anda. Anda perlu berbincang tentang perkara ini dengan doktor anda. Walau bagaimanapun, kami berharap maklumat ini dapat menjawab beberapa pertanyaan anda dan membantu anda di dalam memikirkan soalan-soalan yang anda ingin ajukan kepada doktor anda.
Apakah kanser? Kanser merupakan penyakit pada sel-sel tubuh. Tubuh kita sentiasa menghasilkan sel-sel baru: untuk membolehkan kita membesar, menggantikan tisu-tisu yang lama, atau untuk memulihkan sel-sel yang rosak selepas luka. Lazimnya, sel-sel membesar dan membahagi dengan cara yang teratur. Walau bagaimanapun, gen yang rosak akan menyebabkan sel-sel ini bertindak secara abnormal. Mereka mungkin membesar membentuk suatu gumpalan yang dipanggil tumor.
Tumor mungkin benigna (tidak berkanser) atau malignan (berkanser). Tumor benigna tidak merebak ke luar batasan normal mereka ke bahagian lain tubuh. Tumor malignan terdiri daripada sel-sel berkanser. Jika sel-sel ini tidak dirawat, mereka mungkin merebak melepasi batasan normal ke dalam tisu-tisu di sekitarnya.
Jika sel-sel kanser merebak melepas batasan normal, maka tumor itu malignan, iaitu, ia merupakan kanser.
Kadang-kala sel-sel berpisah daripada kanser asal (primer) dan merebak ke organ-organ lain. Apabila sel-sel ini sampai ke suatu tempat yang baru, mereka mungkin akan terus membesar dan membentuk tumor yang lain di situ. Ini dipanggil kanser sekunder atau metatesis.
Di dalam sesetengah kanser, sel-sel darah tubuh yang membahagi secara abnormal. Kanser-kanser ini dipanggil leukemia, mieloma dan limfoma.
Darah Darah dipamkan ke sekeliling tubuh di dalam sistem peredaran. Darah membekalkan makanan, oksigen, hormon-hormon dan bahan-bahan kimia lain kepada keseluruhan sel tubuh. Ia juga membantu mengalir keluar bahan-bahan sisa dan penting di dalam melawan jangkitan.
Darah terdiri daripada cecair yang jernih dipanggil plasma dan tiga jenis sel: sel darah merah, platelet dan sel darah putih.
Kesemua sel darah datang daripada sel yang sama jenis yang dikenali sebagai sel-sel batang. Sebelum ini, sel-sel ini berkembang menjadi sama ada sel mieloid atau sel limfoid.
Sel-sel mieloid termasuk semua sel darah merah, platelet dan sel darah putih yang dikenali sebagai granulosit dan monosit.
Sel-sel limfoid termasuk semua sel darah putih yang lain yang dikenali sebagai limfosit.
Sel-sel darah merah mengumpul oksigen daripada paru-paru anda dan membawanya ke seluruh bahagian tubuh. Jika anda tidak mempunyai sel darah merah yang mencukupi, anda mengalami anemia. Anemia boleh menjadikan anda kelihatan pucat, menyebabkan pening kepala dan membuatkan anda berasa letih, pening-pening dan cepat marah.
Platelet diperlukan untuk membantu darah anda membeku ketika mendapat luka. Penurunan jumlah platelet mungkin menyebabkan perdarahan yang lama atau mudah lebam.
Sel-sel darah putih memainkan peranan penting di dalam mempertahankan tubuh daripada jangkitan. Pengurangan sel-sel darah putih meningkatkan risiko anda mendapat jangkitan.
Sel-sel darah dihasilkan di dalam sum sum tulang iaitu bahagian seperti span di dalam bahagian tengah tulang.
Apabila badan kita sihat, jumlah sel-sel merah, sel-sel putih dan platelet-platelet di dalam darah adalah seimbang. Penyakit-penyakit sel-sel darah seperti leukemia boleh menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan berlaku.
LeukemiaLeukemia merupakan kanser sel-sel yang membentuk darah. Leukemia menyebabkan jumlah-jumlah sel darah putih yang belum matang dihasilkan.
Sel-sel abnormal ini dipanggil blas leukemia, tidak boleh menjalankan fungsi-fungsi normal sel-sel darah putih. Mereka terkumpul di dalam sum sum tulang dan melimpah ke dalam darah dan mungkin merebak ke dalam organ-organ seperti hati, limpa, paru-paru dan buah pinggang. Kadang-kala, sel-sel ini juga mungkin merebak masuk ke dalam cecair di sekeliling otak dan saraf tunjang.
Oleh kerana terlalu banyak sel-sel darah putih yang terkumpul di dalam sum sum tulang, sum sum tulang tidak dapat menghasilkan sel-sel darah merah, sel-sel darah putih dan platelet yang mencukupi.
Jenis-jenis LeukemiaLeukemia terjadi di dalam beberapa bentuk. Sesetengah bentuk timbul serta-merta dan berkembang dengan cepat di dalam masa beberapa hari atau beberapa minggu sahaja: ini merupakan leukemia akut. Yang lainnya pula tidak nyata dan berkembang dengan kadar yang perlahan di dalam masa beberapa bulan atau beberapa tahun: ini merupakan leukemia kronik.
Penyakit-penyakit leukemia dinamakan mengikut jenis-jenis sel darah putih yang terlibat. Leukemia mieloid ialah leukemia yang melibatkan granulosit-granulosit; leukemia limfoid melibatkan limfosit-limfosit.
Leukemia Limfoid Akut (Acute Lymphoid Leukaemia (ALL)) Leukemia limfoid akut lebih lazim pada kanak-kanak dan merupakan peratusan yang kecil sahaja di kalangan leukemia orang dewasa.
Ia menjejaskan limfosit-limfosit yang belum matang. Limfosit yang normal bertanggungjawab melawan jangkitan: apabila bakteria atau virus menyerang tubuh, limfosit bertindak balas dengan menghasilkan antibodi atau sel-sel pembunuh limfosit yang khas. Apabila anda menghidapi leukemia limfoid akut, limfosit tidak dapat berfungsi dengan betul dan anda mungkin mendapat jangkitan yang serius. Tambahan pula, penyakit ini menyebabkan banyak limfosit yang abnormal dihasilkan, yang menghimpit sel-sel darah merah dan platelet yang normal.
Leukemia Limfoid Kronik (Chronic Lymphoid Leukaemia (CLL))Leukemia ini juga menjejaskan limfosit-limfosit, tetapi berkembang dengan lebih perlahan daripada leukemia limfoid akut.
Penyakit ini menyerang orang dewasa tetapi tidak dikesan pada kanak-kanak.
Penyakit ini berkembang dengan lebih perlahan, oleh itu sel-sel normal tidak terhimpit dan ditolah keluar dengan cepatnya berbanding dengan leukemia limfoid akut. Jika anda menghidapi leukemia limfoid kronik, anda mungkin tidak mengalami sebarang gejala sehinggalah peringkat-peringkat lanjut penyakit ini.
Leukemia Mieloid Akut (Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML))Leukemia ini biasanya menyerang orang dewasa, tetapi boleh terjadi pada kanak-kanak dan remaja.
Leukemia mieloid akut terutamanya menjejaskan sel-sel mieloid yang dikenali sebagai granulosit. Penyakit ini menghasilkan sel-sel mieloid yang masih muda di dalam jumlah yang berlebihan dan menyebabkan kekurangan sel-sel mieloid yang matang. Sel-sel mieloid yang muda ini boleh menyekat salur-salur darah.
Leukemia Mieloid Kronik (Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia (CML))Leukemia mieloid kronik boleh terjadi pada semua peringkat umur tetapi paling jarang dikesan pada usia di bawah 20 tahun. Ia menghalang sel-sel mieloid daripada berfungsi dengan betul. Ia berlaku di dalam dua peringkat: pertama, berlakunya pembahagian sel-sel abnormal secara perlahan. Kemudian, ia boleh dengan cepatnya berubah ke peringkat akut.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
SATU - ct nurhaliza





30.06.09 - AKU BUKAN PEMINAT CT !!! ini ‘satu’ fakta… tapi tak pelik kan kalau aku g tgk konsert CT… selama ni pun aku mmg layannn lagu2 CT... mmg dh lama niat aku nak bawa my sis g tgk konsert CT.. so bila ada jer news psl konsert SATU ct nurhaliza... aku cpt2 la beli tiket... walaupun aku tak minat CT… walaupun aku byr harga tiket yg mahal… heheheh xper2 blh gk aku layannn lagu2 CT… lgpun aku masuk istana budaya bila ada tearter jerrr… nk tggu FF buat event kt IB… xtahu la bila plak… kira CT bertuah la dpt buat konsert kt IB.. mcm anuar zain jg la...( waaaaa aku xg konsert anuar.. tiket dh abis) 1 benda yg aku puji CT ni… selama dia dlm industri dh mcm2 dugaan yg dia terima tapi di ttp maintain kan… gelaran diva no 1 tp dia ttp layan peminat dia… perangai2 yg xok tu, biasa la manusia tapi dia pandai jaga hati fans dia… sbb yg aku tahu peminat dia ttp setia menyokong dia… kdg2 artis Malaysia ni br popular skit, dh bsr kepala.. dh rasa jd diva no 2 opppss… yg penting jaga hati peminat… tahu hargai usaha2 peminat.
So berbalik pada konsert SATU... aku rasa IB ni xsesuai sgt la jd tmpt konsert sbb kita akn jd penonton nasyid.... masuk jer dewan tu, dh rasa formal... xblh nak jerit2 , nak nyanyi sama2... tak blh feel konsert.... yg penting tak blh nk ambil gambar... tension jerrr... kalau blh, aku rasa dh berpuluh2 gambar CT yg aku ambil.... tapi aku snap jg pic ct masa akhir2 persembahan... syg la muncung camera tu dh cukup panjang utk fokus ct tp xblh amik pic... nsb baik la CT.... kalau anuar zain yg dpn mata? Lg la tension xblh nk amik pic...
Konsert 2 jam lbh ni mmg best.... Ct nyanyi sumer lagu2 yg pemes… tp ada lg lagu2 yg dia tak sempat nyanyi…. Pada yg tgk konsert ni.. korang tahu la kn mcm mn best nyer konsert ni… vocal ct mmg tak blh di pertikaikan lg… duduk dlm dewan tu… dgr vocal & sound system yg best… mmg la sumer best… n aku bygkn kalau la konsert anuar zain, lagi la feeling abis…waaaaa xdpt tgk konsert anuar…. Yg tgl tiket harga rm200… rm250.. ada sesapa yg nak sponsor tak hehhehe…
Ok la… dr td asyik puji CT… nnt org2 yg tak mnt CT… sakit hati plak… ala aku pun bukan fans ct…. tp aku layannn lagu2 ct… TAPI KAN aku peminat anuar tapi aku xg konsert anuar pun waaaaa…
alamak lupa nk citer.... TQ to my sis yg beli kn hadiah.. konon2 hadiah bday thn dpn hahhaa so lps ni amik pic, xperlu dkt2 lg.. dr jauh pn dh blh fokus hehehe
Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson, 'King of Pop,' dead at 50
LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson, the "King of Pop" who reigned over the music world like no other, died Thursday as he prepared for a comeback bid to vanquish nightmare years of sexual scandal and financial calamity. He was 50.
Jackson died at UCLA Medical Center after being stricken at his rented home in Holmby Hills. Paramedics tried to resuscitate him at his home for nearly three-quarters of an hour, then rushed him to the hospital, where doctors continued to work on him.
"It is believed he suffered cardiac arrest in his home. However, the cause of his death is unknown until results of the autopsy are known," his brother Jermaine said. Police said they were investigating, standard procedure in high-profile cases.
Jackson's death brought a tragic end to a long, bizarre, sometimes farcical decline from his peak in the 1980s, when he was popular music's premier all-around performer, a uniter of black and white music who shattered the race barrier on MTV, dominated the charts and dazzled even more on stage.
His 1982 album "Thriller" which included the blockbuster hits "Beat It," "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" is the best-selling album of all time, with an estimated 50 million copies sold worldwide.
At the time of his death, Jackson was rehearsing hard for what was to be his greatest comeback: He was scheduled for an unprecedented 50 shows at a London arena, with the first set for July 13.
As word of his death spread, MTV switched its programming to play videos from Jackson's heyday. Radio stations began playing marathons of his hits. Hundreds of people gathered outside the hospital. In New York's Times Square, a low groan went up in the crowd when a screen flashed that Jackson had died, and people began relaying the news to friends by cell phone.
"No joke. King of Pop is no more. Wow," Michael Harris, 36, of New York City, read from a text message a friend had sent him. "It's like when Kennedy was assassinated. I will always remember being in Times Square when Michael Jackson died."
The public first knew him as a boy in the late 1960s, when he was the precocious, spinning lead singer of the Jackson 5, the singing group he formed with his four older brothers out of Gary, Ind. Among their No. 1 hits were "I Want You Back," "ABC" and "I'll Be There."
He was perhaps the most exciting performer of his generation, known for his backward-gliding moonwalk, his feverish, crotch-grabbing dance moves and his high-pitched singing, punctuated with squeals and titters. His single sequined glove, tight, military-style jacket and aviator sunglasses were trademarks, as was his ever-changing, surgically altered appearance.
"For Michael to be taken away from us so suddenly at such a young age, I just don't have the words," said Quincy Jones, who produced "Thriller." "He was the consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever. I've lost my little brother today, and part of my soul has gone with him."
Jackson ranked alongside Elvis Presley and the Beatles as the biggest pop sensations of all time. He united two of music's biggest names when he was briefly married to Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie, and Jackson's death immediately evoked comparisons to that of Presley himself, who died at age 42 in 1977.
As years went by, Jackson became an increasingly freakish figure a middle-aged man-child weirdly out of touch with grown-up life. His skin became lighter, his nose narrower, and he spoke in a breathy, girlish voice. He often wore a germ mask while traveling, kept a pet chimpanzee named Bubbles as one of his closest companions, and surrounded himself with children at his Neverland ranch, a storybook playland filled with toys, rides and animals. The tabloids dubbed him "Wacko Jacko."
"It seemed to me that his internal essence was at war with the norms of the world. It's as if he was trying to defy gravity," said Michael Levine, a Hollywood publicist who represented Jackson in the early 1990s. He called Jackson a "disciple of P.T. Barnum" and said the star appeared fragile at the time but was "much more cunning and shrewd about the industry than anyone knew."
Jackson caused a furor in 2002 when he playfully dangled his infant son, Prince Michael II, over a hotel balcony in Berlin while a throng of fans watched from below.
In 2005, he was cleared of charges he molested a 13-year-old cancer survivor at Neverland in 2003. He had been accused of plying the boy with alcohol and groping him, and of engaging in strange and inappropriate behavior with other children.
The case followed years of rumors about Jackson and young boys. In a TV documentary, he acknowledged sharing his bed with children, a practice he described as sweet and not at all sexual.
Despite the acquittal, the lurid allegations that came out in court took a fearsome toll on his career and image, and he fell into serious financial trouble.
Michael Joseph Jackson was born Aug. 29, 1958, in Gary. He was 4 years old when he began singing with his brothers Marlon, Jermaine, Jackie and Tito in the Jackson 5. After his early success with bubblegum soul, he struck out on his own, generating innovative, explosive, unstoppable music.
The album "Thriller" alone mixed the dark, serpentine bass and drums and synthesizer approach of "Billie Jean," the grinding Eddie Van Halen solo on "Beat It," and the hiccups and falsettos on "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'."
The peak may have come in 1983, when Motown celebrated its 25th anniversary with an all-star televised concert and Jackson moonwalked off with the show, joining his brothers for a medley of old hits and then leaving them behind with a pointing, crouching, high-kicking, splay-footed, crotch-grabbing run through "Billie Jean."
The audience stood and roared. Jackson raised his fist.
By then he had cemented his place in pop culture. He got the plum Scarecrow role in the 1978 movie musical "The Wiz," a pop-R&B version of "The Wizard of Oz," that starred Diana Ross as Dorothy.
During production of a 1984 Pepsi commercial, Jackson's scalp sustains burns when an explosion sets his hair on fire.
He had strong follow-up albums with 1987's "Bad" and 1991's "Dangerous," but his career began to collapse in 1993 after he was accused of molesting a boy who often stayed at his home. The singer denied any wrongdoing, reached a settlement with the boy's family, reported to be $20 million, and criminal charges were never filed.
Jackson's expressed anger over the allegations on the 1995 album "HIStory," which sold more than 2.4 million copies, but by then, the popularity of Jackson's music was clearly waning, even as public fascination with his increasingly erratic behavior was growing.
Cardiac arrest is an abnormal heart rhythm that stops the heart from pumping blood to the body. It can occur after a heart attack or be caused by other heart problems.
Billboard magazine editorial director Bill Werde said Jackson's star power was unmatched. "The world just lost the biggest pop star in history, no matter how you cut it," Werde said. "He's literally the king of pop."
Jackson's 13 No. 1 one hits on the Billboard charts put him behind only Presley, the Beatles and Mariah Carey, Werde said.
"He was on the eve of potentially redeeming his career a little bit," he said. "People might have started to think of him again in a different light."
Associated Press Writers Derrik J. Lang, Solvej Schou and Thomas Watkins in Los Angeles and Virginia Byrne, Hillel Italie, Nekesa Mumbi Moody and Jocelyn Noveck in New York contributed to this report.
LOS ANGELES - Michael Jackson, the "King of Pop" who reigned over the music world like no other, died Thursday as he prepared for a comeback bid to vanquish nightmare years of sexual scandal and financial calamity. He was 50.
Jackson died at UCLA Medical Center after being stricken at his rented home in Holmby Hills. Paramedics tried to resuscitate him at his home for nearly three-quarters of an hour, then rushed him to the hospital, where doctors continued to work on him.
"It is believed he suffered cardiac arrest in his home. However, the cause of his death is unknown until results of the autopsy are known," his brother Jermaine said. Police said they were investigating, standard procedure in high-profile cases.
Jackson's death brought a tragic end to a long, bizarre, sometimes farcical decline from his peak in the 1980s, when he was popular music's premier all-around performer, a uniter of black and white music who shattered the race barrier on MTV, dominated the charts and dazzled even more on stage.
His 1982 album "Thriller" which included the blockbuster hits "Beat It," "Billie Jean" and "Thriller" is the best-selling album of all time, with an estimated 50 million copies sold worldwide.
At the time of his death, Jackson was rehearsing hard for what was to be his greatest comeback: He was scheduled for an unprecedented 50 shows at a London arena, with the first set for July 13.
As word of his death spread, MTV switched its programming to play videos from Jackson's heyday. Radio stations began playing marathons of his hits. Hundreds of people gathered outside the hospital. In New York's Times Square, a low groan went up in the crowd when a screen flashed that Jackson had died, and people began relaying the news to friends by cell phone.
"No joke. King of Pop is no more. Wow," Michael Harris, 36, of New York City, read from a text message a friend had sent him. "It's like when Kennedy was assassinated. I will always remember being in Times Square when Michael Jackson died."
The public first knew him as a boy in the late 1960s, when he was the precocious, spinning lead singer of the Jackson 5, the singing group he formed with his four older brothers out of Gary, Ind. Among their No. 1 hits were "I Want You Back," "ABC" and "I'll Be There."
He was perhaps the most exciting performer of his generation, known for his backward-gliding moonwalk, his feverish, crotch-grabbing dance moves and his high-pitched singing, punctuated with squeals and titters. His single sequined glove, tight, military-style jacket and aviator sunglasses were trademarks, as was his ever-changing, surgically altered appearance.
"For Michael to be taken away from us so suddenly at such a young age, I just don't have the words," said Quincy Jones, who produced "Thriller." "He was the consummate entertainer and his contributions and legacy will be felt upon the world forever. I've lost my little brother today, and part of my soul has gone with him."
Jackson ranked alongside Elvis Presley and the Beatles as the biggest pop sensations of all time. He united two of music's biggest names when he was briefly married to Presley's daughter, Lisa Marie, and Jackson's death immediately evoked comparisons to that of Presley himself, who died at age 42 in 1977.
As years went by, Jackson became an increasingly freakish figure a middle-aged man-child weirdly out of touch with grown-up life. His skin became lighter, his nose narrower, and he spoke in a breathy, girlish voice. He often wore a germ mask while traveling, kept a pet chimpanzee named Bubbles as one of his closest companions, and surrounded himself with children at his Neverland ranch, a storybook playland filled with toys, rides and animals. The tabloids dubbed him "Wacko Jacko."
"It seemed to me that his internal essence was at war with the norms of the world. It's as if he was trying to defy gravity," said Michael Levine, a Hollywood publicist who represented Jackson in the early 1990s. He called Jackson a "disciple of P.T. Barnum" and said the star appeared fragile at the time but was "much more cunning and shrewd about the industry than anyone knew."
Jackson caused a furor in 2002 when he playfully dangled his infant son, Prince Michael II, over a hotel balcony in Berlin while a throng of fans watched from below.
In 2005, he was cleared of charges he molested a 13-year-old cancer survivor at Neverland in 2003. He had been accused of plying the boy with alcohol and groping him, and of engaging in strange and inappropriate behavior with other children.
The case followed years of rumors about Jackson and young boys. In a TV documentary, he acknowledged sharing his bed with children, a practice he described as sweet and not at all sexual.
Despite the acquittal, the lurid allegations that came out in court took a fearsome toll on his career and image, and he fell into serious financial trouble.
Michael Joseph Jackson was born Aug. 29, 1958, in Gary. He was 4 years old when he began singing with his brothers Marlon, Jermaine, Jackie and Tito in the Jackson 5. After his early success with bubblegum soul, he struck out on his own, generating innovative, explosive, unstoppable music.
The album "Thriller" alone mixed the dark, serpentine bass and drums and synthesizer approach of "Billie Jean," the grinding Eddie Van Halen solo on "Beat It," and the hiccups and falsettos on "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'."
The peak may have come in 1983, when Motown celebrated its 25th anniversary with an all-star televised concert and Jackson moonwalked off with the show, joining his brothers for a medley of old hits and then leaving them behind with a pointing, crouching, high-kicking, splay-footed, crotch-grabbing run through "Billie Jean."
The audience stood and roared. Jackson raised his fist.
By then he had cemented his place in pop culture. He got the plum Scarecrow role in the 1978 movie musical "The Wiz," a pop-R&B version of "The Wizard of Oz," that starred Diana Ross as Dorothy.
During production of a 1984 Pepsi commercial, Jackson's scalp sustains burns when an explosion sets his hair on fire.
He had strong follow-up albums with 1987's "Bad" and 1991's "Dangerous," but his career began to collapse in 1993 after he was accused of molesting a boy who often stayed at his home. The singer denied any wrongdoing, reached a settlement with the boy's family, reported to be $20 million, and criminal charges were never filed.
Jackson's expressed anger over the allegations on the 1995 album "HIStory," which sold more than 2.4 million copies, but by then, the popularity of Jackson's music was clearly waning, even as public fascination with his increasingly erratic behavior was growing.
Cardiac arrest is an abnormal heart rhythm that stops the heart from pumping blood to the body. It can occur after a heart attack or be caused by other heart problems.
Billboard magazine editorial director Bill Werde said Jackson's star power was unmatched. "The world just lost the biggest pop star in history, no matter how you cut it," Werde said. "He's literally the king of pop."
Jackson's 13 No. 1 one hits on the Billboard charts put him behind only Presley, the Beatles and Mariah Carey, Werde said.
"He was on the eve of potentially redeeming his career a little bit," he said. "People might have started to think of him again in a different light."
Associated Press Writers Derrik J. Lang, Solvej Schou and Thomas Watkins in Los Angeles and Virginia Byrne, Hillel Italie, Nekesa Mumbi Moody and Jocelyn Noveck in New York contributed to this report.
Farrah Fawcett dead at 62:
Farrah Fawcett dead at 62: Ryan O'Neal
LOS ANGELES (AFP) - – Actress Farrah Fawcett, best known for her role in television series "Charlie's Angels," died Thursday after a long battle with cancer, her long-time companion Ryan O'Neal said. She was 62.
Fawcett died in hospital surrounded by friends and family shortly before 9:30 am (1630 GMT), reports said.
"After a long and brave battle with cancer, our beloved Farrah has passed away," O'Neal said in a statement released by Fawcett's publicist Arnold Robinson.
"Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world."
O'Neal told People magazine's online edition he had comforted Fawcett through the night in the hours before her death.
"I loved her with all my heart. I will miss her so very, very much. She was in and out of consciousness. I talked to her all through the night.
"I told her how very much I loved her. She's in a better place now."
Fawcett's "Charlie's Angels" co-star Jaclyn Smith paid tribute to her former colleague's "courage, strength and faith."
"Now she has peace and she rests with the real angels," Smith said.
Speculation that Fawcett's death was close at hand had mounted after veteran ABC television interviewer Barbara Walters said the actress had been given her last rites earlier Thursday.
Reports said O'Neal and Alana Stewart were at Fawcett's bedside when she passed away at St John's Hospital in Santa Monica.
Stewart said in a statement she had "no words to express the deep sense of loss that I feel."
"For 30 years, Farrah was much more than a friend, she was my sister, and although I will miss her terribly, I know in my heart that she will always be there as that angel on the shoulder of everyone who loved her," Stewart said.
Earlier this week O'Neal revealed he planned to marry Fawcett. "I've asked her to marry me, again, and she's agreed," O'Neal said.
O'Neal, 68, and Fawcett had been romantically involved off-and-on since 1982. The couple had a son together, Redmond, but never married.
Redmond O'Neal is currently in jail in California for drug offenses and was not at his mother's bedside when she died, but spoke to her on the phone before her death, Ryan O'Neal told People.
Fawcett's son told her "how much he loved her and asked her to please forgive him that he was so very, very sorry," O'Neal was quoted as saying.
Fawcett emerged as a pop-culture icon in the 1970s and 1980s after her role in "Charlie's Angels" and appearance in a famous poster wearing a red swimsuit that would come to be her defining image.
During the 1970s, Fawcett was married to "Six Million Dollar Man" star Lee Majors, from whom she separated in 1979. In 1982 she began her long romance with actor O'Neal.
After splitting from O'Neal in the 1990s, Fawcett faded from view, although she appeared in Robert Altman's 2000 comedy "Dr T and the Women" in a cast that included Richard Gere, Helen Hunt, Laura Dern and Kate Hudson.
In recent years Fawcett's health was the subject of intense scrutiny by a voracious tabloid media.
News of her cancer fight broke in October 2006, sparking an outpouring of support from fans and well-wishers.
In 2007 she declared that months of grueling chemotherapy had seen her beat the cancer despite "excruciating pain and uncertainty." "It never occurred to me to stop fighting -- not ever," she said.
However, in April this year it emerged that the cancer had returned and the actress was gravely ill.
In an interview with the Los Angeles Times published in May, Fawcett criticized the media frenzy over her health, saying she would have preferred to have kept details of her illness private.
"It's much easier to go through something and deal with it without being under a microscope," Fawcett said.
"I'm a private person," she continued. "It would be good if I could just go and heal and then when I decided to go out, it would be OK."
LOS ANGELES (AFP) - – Actress Farrah Fawcett, best known for her role in television series "Charlie's Angels," died Thursday after a long battle with cancer, her long-time companion Ryan O'Neal said. She was 62.
Fawcett died in hospital surrounded by friends and family shortly before 9:30 am (1630 GMT), reports said.
"After a long and brave battle with cancer, our beloved Farrah has passed away," O'Neal said in a statement released by Fawcett's publicist Arnold Robinson.
"Although this is an extremely difficult time for her family and friends, we take comfort in the beautiful times that we shared with Farrah over the years and the knowledge that her life brought joy to so many people around the world."
O'Neal told People magazine's online edition he had comforted Fawcett through the night in the hours before her death.
"I loved her with all my heart. I will miss her so very, very much. She was in and out of consciousness. I talked to her all through the night.
"I told her how very much I loved her. She's in a better place now."
Fawcett's "Charlie's Angels" co-star Jaclyn Smith paid tribute to her former colleague's "courage, strength and faith."
"Now she has peace and she rests with the real angels," Smith said.
Speculation that Fawcett's death was close at hand had mounted after veteran ABC television interviewer Barbara Walters said the actress had been given her last rites earlier Thursday.
Reports said O'Neal and Alana Stewart were at Fawcett's bedside when she passed away at St John's Hospital in Santa Monica.
Stewart said in a statement she had "no words to express the deep sense of loss that I feel."
"For 30 years, Farrah was much more than a friend, she was my sister, and although I will miss her terribly, I know in my heart that she will always be there as that angel on the shoulder of everyone who loved her," Stewart said.
Earlier this week O'Neal revealed he planned to marry Fawcett. "I've asked her to marry me, again, and she's agreed," O'Neal said.
O'Neal, 68, and Fawcett had been romantically involved off-and-on since 1982. The couple had a son together, Redmond, but never married.
Redmond O'Neal is currently in jail in California for drug offenses and was not at his mother's bedside when she died, but spoke to her on the phone before her death, Ryan O'Neal told People.
Fawcett's son told her "how much he loved her and asked her to please forgive him that he was so very, very sorry," O'Neal was quoted as saying.
Fawcett emerged as a pop-culture icon in the 1970s and 1980s after her role in "Charlie's Angels" and appearance in a famous poster wearing a red swimsuit that would come to be her defining image.
During the 1970s, Fawcett was married to "Six Million Dollar Man" star Lee Majors, from whom she separated in 1979. In 1982 she began her long romance with actor O'Neal.
After splitting from O'Neal in the 1990s, Fawcett faded from view, although she appeared in Robert Altman's 2000 comedy "Dr T and the Women" in a cast that included Richard Gere, Helen Hunt, Laura Dern and Kate Hudson.
In recent years Fawcett's health was the subject of intense scrutiny by a voracious tabloid media.
News of her cancer fight broke in October 2006, sparking an outpouring of support from fans and well-wishers.
In 2007 she declared that months of grueling chemotherapy had seen her beat the cancer despite "excruciating pain and uncertainty." "It never occurred to me to stop fighting -- not ever," she said.
However, in April this year it emerged that the cancer had returned and the actress was gravely ill.
In an interview with the Los Angeles Times published in May, Fawcett criticized the media frenzy over her health, saying she would have preferred to have kept details of her illness private.
"It's much easier to go through something and deal with it without being under a microscope," Fawcett said.
"I'm a private person," she continued. "It would be good if I could just go and heal and then when I decided to go out, it would be OK."
Thursday, June 25, 2009
nur kasih @ tv3
SINOPSIS NUR KASIH (di ambil dr website tv3)
Setiap Jumaat - 9 mlm
Nur Kasih mengisahkan dua beradik, Aidil dan Adam, yang mempunyai karaktor yang sangat berbeza. Aidil seorang anak yang akur kepada segala perintah ibu bapanya, penyabar dan cukup menyayangi adiknya. Dia mengambil jurusan undang-undang di Universiti Al-Azhar, Mesir dan bercita-cita untuk menjadi seorang peguam syariah. Adam pula hidup dalam suasana yang penuh eksotik di Australia, mengambil jurusan seni bina dan bercita-cita besar untuk membuka firma seni bina sendiri di Sydney. Adam seorang yang berdikari dan tegas dalam setiap keputusan yang diambil dalam hidupnya. Ternyata anak-anak Ustaz Hassan dan Hajjah Khadijah ini sama-sama berjaya dalam pelajaran tetapi hanya seorang yang mendapat kepercayaan penuh oleh ibu bapa sendiri. Ustaz Hassan berkawan baik dengan imam kampung, Ustaz Abu Bakar, yang mempunyai dua orang anak perempuan, Nur Amina dan Siti Sarah. Nur seorang pelajar terbaik di kampungnya dan bercita-cita tinggi untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat universiti. Malangnya keluarga Nur tidak mampu untuk menanggung perbelanjaan tetapi dia tetap berusaha untuk memohon pinjaman dan biasiswa tetapi malang tetap menimpa apabila dia menerima kunjungan peminangan Ustaz Hassan.
Ustaz Hassan bertanya kepada Aidil siapakah wanita pilihannya untuk dijadikan isteri. Aidil tanpa berfikir panjang terus menyatakan minatnya terhadap Nur Amina. Tetapi keputusan yang diambil Ustaz Hassan semasa hari peminangan mengejutkan keluarganya kerana dia memutuskan Adam untuk memperisterikan Nur Amina, bukan Aidil. Walaupun kecewa, Aidil tetap bersabar dan memahami niat baik ayahnya yang cuba untuk menolong Adam. Aidil yang sangat mengambil berat tentang adiknya sentiasa memberi nasihat untuk tidak melawan kehendak ibu dan ayahnya yang semakin tenat serta tidak mensia-siakan isteri dan perempuan seperti Nur Amina.
Masa berlalu… Dengan berbekalkan perasaan sedih kerana kehilangan seorang ayah dan gadis yang dicintai, Aidil tetap meneruskan kehidupannya sebagai seorang peguam di mahkamah negeri. Adam pula berhijrah kembali ke Australia untuk meneruskan pengajian dan berjumpa dengan kekasih hati, Katrina. Nur ditinggalkan dan hidup dalam penipuan terhadap ibu bapanya yang mempercayai dia mengikut suami berhijrah ke Australia walhal kini hidup sendirian di Kuala Lumpur. Tetapi ini tidak menjadikan penghalang baginya untuk memegang segulung ijazah dalam jurusan seni bina di salah sebuah universiti terkemuka di Kuala Lumpur.
Oleh kerana terlalu gah dengan kehidupan di negara orang, arwah ayah dipersoalkan, ibu di kampung dilupakan, isteri sendiri diabaikan. Pelbagai masalah yang dilakukan oleh Adam tanpa menyedari akibatnya yang akan memakan diri sendiri. Adam tetap mengamalkan tabiat buruknya yang cukup untuk memesongkan diri dari agama. Dan kerana nafsu, dia berkahwin dengan Katrina tanpa memberitahu hal sebenar tentang isteri yang telah dibiarkan. Segalanya berubah apabila kemalangan tragik berlaku yang melibatkan Adam dan Katrina. Apakah kesudahan drama ini?
link yang related dgn nur kasih...
mesti korang heran, nape tiba2 aku promote citer ni hehhe... 1st sbb aku mmg minat citer ni, wpun aku start tgk episod yg ke 2... 2nd ... aku baru tahu salah seorg penulis drama ni...ialah kak ana (mariana hashim) .... dulu aku rapat jg dgn kak ana tp now dia dh semakin bz dgn drama / filem.. so jarang dpt berbual.... part plg best dlm perbualan aku dgn dia... bila dia kata 'i slalu igt u 25thn'... dia terkejut bila aku ckp umur aku - - thn... hahaha maybe sbb aku kenal dia ms umur 25 thn... so umur tu xberubah... ok la tu...
Setiap Jumaat - 9 mlm
Nur Kasih mengisahkan dua beradik, Aidil dan Adam, yang mempunyai karaktor yang sangat berbeza. Aidil seorang anak yang akur kepada segala perintah ibu bapanya, penyabar dan cukup menyayangi adiknya. Dia mengambil jurusan undang-undang di Universiti Al-Azhar, Mesir dan bercita-cita untuk menjadi seorang peguam syariah. Adam pula hidup dalam suasana yang penuh eksotik di Australia, mengambil jurusan seni bina dan bercita-cita besar untuk membuka firma seni bina sendiri di Sydney. Adam seorang yang berdikari dan tegas dalam setiap keputusan yang diambil dalam hidupnya. Ternyata anak-anak Ustaz Hassan dan Hajjah Khadijah ini sama-sama berjaya dalam pelajaran tetapi hanya seorang yang mendapat kepercayaan penuh oleh ibu bapa sendiri. Ustaz Hassan berkawan baik dengan imam kampung, Ustaz Abu Bakar, yang mempunyai dua orang anak perempuan, Nur Amina dan Siti Sarah. Nur seorang pelajar terbaik di kampungnya dan bercita-cita tinggi untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat universiti. Malangnya keluarga Nur tidak mampu untuk menanggung perbelanjaan tetapi dia tetap berusaha untuk memohon pinjaman dan biasiswa tetapi malang tetap menimpa apabila dia menerima kunjungan peminangan Ustaz Hassan.
Ustaz Hassan bertanya kepada Aidil siapakah wanita pilihannya untuk dijadikan isteri. Aidil tanpa berfikir panjang terus menyatakan minatnya terhadap Nur Amina. Tetapi keputusan yang diambil Ustaz Hassan semasa hari peminangan mengejutkan keluarganya kerana dia memutuskan Adam untuk memperisterikan Nur Amina, bukan Aidil. Walaupun kecewa, Aidil tetap bersabar dan memahami niat baik ayahnya yang cuba untuk menolong Adam. Aidil yang sangat mengambil berat tentang adiknya sentiasa memberi nasihat untuk tidak melawan kehendak ibu dan ayahnya yang semakin tenat serta tidak mensia-siakan isteri dan perempuan seperti Nur Amina.
Masa berlalu… Dengan berbekalkan perasaan sedih kerana kehilangan seorang ayah dan gadis yang dicintai, Aidil tetap meneruskan kehidupannya sebagai seorang peguam di mahkamah negeri. Adam pula berhijrah kembali ke Australia untuk meneruskan pengajian dan berjumpa dengan kekasih hati, Katrina. Nur ditinggalkan dan hidup dalam penipuan terhadap ibu bapanya yang mempercayai dia mengikut suami berhijrah ke Australia walhal kini hidup sendirian di Kuala Lumpur. Tetapi ini tidak menjadikan penghalang baginya untuk memegang segulung ijazah dalam jurusan seni bina di salah sebuah universiti terkemuka di Kuala Lumpur.
Oleh kerana terlalu gah dengan kehidupan di negara orang, arwah ayah dipersoalkan, ibu di kampung dilupakan, isteri sendiri diabaikan. Pelbagai masalah yang dilakukan oleh Adam tanpa menyedari akibatnya yang akan memakan diri sendiri. Adam tetap mengamalkan tabiat buruknya yang cukup untuk memesongkan diri dari agama. Dan kerana nafsu, dia berkahwin dengan Katrina tanpa memberitahu hal sebenar tentang isteri yang telah dibiarkan. Segalanya berubah apabila kemalangan tragik berlaku yang melibatkan Adam dan Katrina. Apakah kesudahan drama ini?
link yang related dgn nur kasih...
mesti korang heran, nape tiba2 aku promote citer ni hehhe... 1st sbb aku mmg minat citer ni, wpun aku start tgk episod yg ke 2... 2nd ... aku baru tahu salah seorg penulis drama ni...ialah kak ana (mariana hashim) .... dulu aku rapat jg dgn kak ana tp now dia dh semakin bz dgn drama / filem.. so jarang dpt berbual.... part plg best dlm perbualan aku dgn dia... bila dia kata 'i slalu igt u 25thn'... dia terkejut bila aku ckp umur aku - - thn... hahaha maybe sbb aku kenal dia ms umur 25 thn... so umur tu xberubah... ok la tu...
kisah atau tak kisah
Pagi2 buta dah update blog… dtg opis terus nk menulis… hehehe sbb dh lama pk benda ni… “KISAH atau TAK KISAH” topik ni berdasarkan pemerhatian sendiri.. kehidupan sendiri n org lain…. Apa yg KISAH dan apa yg TAK KISAH… pernah tak pk kita ni tergolong dalam org yg jenis mcm mn?
Biar menjadi org yg TAK KISAH tapi mengetahui segala rahsia kehidupan dia drpd menjadi SESEORANG tapi tak tahu apa2…… bila kita ni konon2 nyer “sum1 / sumbody” dlm life org lain… org yg di sygi la… syg sgt la… share everything…. Segala benda kita tahu tapi same time ada benda yg di rahsia kn dr kita... manusia ni mcm2 perangai.. kdg2 kita ni cpt terasa... cpt jeles, cepat nak amik hati, segala cpt la bila kita dgn org tersyg... sumer benda kita nk tahu la... oleh sbb perangai mcm ni la, org lain akn berahsia @ menipu kita.. atas alasan nak jaga hati kita, xnk tgk kita marah2, xnk tgk kita sedih2....( ini pengalaman sendiri ni haha) sum1 menipu/ berahsia dr aku... kuar dgn org lain.... infm aku g umh sedara tp kuar dgn buah hati dia… or buat sumthing tp xinfm… kalau guna brg pn , ckp itu mak beli .. padahal buah hati yg beli.. alasan 1 jer.. sbb nak jaga hati ... to me HONEST / JUJUR mmg sakit tapi rasa sakit tu lain bila kita tahu dr org lain.. bila kita tahu sendiri... dan sampai mati la aku benci org tu..... tapi aku tak la baik sgt, sbb kdg2 aku pn menipu hahhahaha...... yerla dia tipu aku, aku tipu la dia jg....
that y org yg paham aku... dia akn JUJUR dgn aku sbb dh tahu perangai aku... dan lama2 aku berlajar untuk menjadi ORG YG TAK KISAH.... bila jd mcm ni, ko buat apa pun rasa sakit hati tu xla teruk sgt... dh perangai kwn kita tu mmg mcm tu.. kita hanya mampu melihat... kalau ckp lebih nnt dia menipu.... so kita kena jd org yg tak ksh... berlajar utk mendengar apa saja citer kehidupan yg blaku dlm hidup dia... bkn sng utk menjadi org yg tak ksh... tapi ada org , sbb sikap ”tak kisah” aku la, dia syg aku.... hmmm bagus tp sakit.... tapi sikap ”tak kisah” ni bkn pada sumer org la... ada setgh2 org yg perlu kita KISAH sgt2....hahaha sbb xnk jd mcm kawan aku ”TAK KISAH SGT2” sampai gf dia pun kena kebas... so kesimpulan berpada2 dgn perangai sendiri.... ini peringatan pada diri sendiri ni... di tipu & menipu.... mmg pernah alami... tapi kita ni manusia....bila kita berusaha utk menjadi org yg TAK KISAH.. kdg2 berjaya , kdg2 hampeh... ada jg sikap ”kisah” kita tu akn kuar jg hahaha
ok blog versi mengarut aku dh abis.... ntah bila la aku nk update citer yg mcm2.. gambar pn byk… aku hutang citer pmi3, karnival tv3, Jacobs wol…. Coming soon SATU…. xsbr nk layannn SATU….
1 more thing... hope ank buah aku cepat2 sembuh.. now kat hukm... mlm td g tgk my nephew kt hukm... kalau g hukm ni, terigt 1 benda... sini la tempat terakhir arwah kakak ...
Pagi2 buta dah update blog… dtg opis terus nk menulis… hehehe sbb dh lama pk benda ni… “KISAH atau TAK KISAH” topik ni berdasarkan pemerhatian sendiri.. kehidupan sendiri n org lain…. Apa yg KISAH dan apa yg TAK KISAH… pernah tak pk kita ni tergolong dalam org yg jenis mcm mn?
Biar menjadi org yg TAK KISAH tapi mengetahui segala rahsia kehidupan dia drpd menjadi SESEORANG tapi tak tahu apa2…… bila kita ni konon2 nyer “sum1 / sumbody” dlm life org lain… org yg di sygi la… syg sgt la… share everything…. Segala benda kita tahu tapi same time ada benda yg di rahsia kn dr kita... manusia ni mcm2 perangai.. kdg2 kita ni cpt terasa... cpt jeles, cepat nak amik hati, segala cpt la bila kita dgn org tersyg... sumer benda kita nk tahu la... oleh sbb perangai mcm ni la, org lain akn berahsia @ menipu kita.. atas alasan nak jaga hati kita, xnk tgk kita marah2, xnk tgk kita sedih2....( ini pengalaman sendiri ni haha) sum1 menipu/ berahsia dr aku... kuar dgn org lain.... infm aku g umh sedara tp kuar dgn buah hati dia… or buat sumthing tp xinfm… kalau guna brg pn , ckp itu mak beli .. padahal buah hati yg beli.. alasan 1 jer.. sbb nak jaga hati ... to me HONEST / JUJUR mmg sakit tapi rasa sakit tu lain bila kita tahu dr org lain.. bila kita tahu sendiri... dan sampai mati la aku benci org tu..... tapi aku tak la baik sgt, sbb kdg2 aku pn menipu hahhahaha...... yerla dia tipu aku, aku tipu la dia jg....
that y org yg paham aku... dia akn JUJUR dgn aku sbb dh tahu perangai aku... dan lama2 aku berlajar untuk menjadi ORG YG TAK KISAH.... bila jd mcm ni, ko buat apa pun rasa sakit hati tu xla teruk sgt... dh perangai kwn kita tu mmg mcm tu.. kita hanya mampu melihat... kalau ckp lebih nnt dia menipu.... so kita kena jd org yg tak ksh... berlajar utk mendengar apa saja citer kehidupan yg blaku dlm hidup dia... bkn sng utk menjadi org yg tak ksh... tapi ada org , sbb sikap ”tak kisah” aku la, dia syg aku.... hmmm bagus tp sakit.... tapi sikap ”tak kisah” ni bkn pada sumer org la... ada setgh2 org yg perlu kita KISAH sgt2....hahaha sbb xnk jd mcm kawan aku ”TAK KISAH SGT2” sampai gf dia pun kena kebas... so kesimpulan berpada2 dgn perangai sendiri.... ini peringatan pada diri sendiri ni... di tipu & menipu.... mmg pernah alami... tapi kita ni manusia....bila kita berusaha utk menjadi org yg TAK KISAH.. kdg2 berjaya , kdg2 hampeh... ada jg sikap ”kisah” kita tu akn kuar jg hahaha
ok blog versi mengarut aku dh abis.... ntah bila la aku nk update citer yg mcm2.. gambar pn byk… aku hutang citer pmi3, karnival tv3, Jacobs wol…. Coming soon SATU…. xsbr nk layannn SATU….
1 more thing... hope ank buah aku cepat2 sembuh.. now kat hukm... mlm td g tgk my nephew kt hukm... kalau g hukm ni, terigt 1 benda... sini la tempat terakhir arwah kakak ...
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
aku yang semakin maleh....
Dari pagi tadi , maleh betul nk buek keje... bkn setakat dr pg tadi dr dulu2 lagi mmg maleh buek keje... lbh2 lg bos kecik takde... kat opis ni pun ramai yg cuti.. cuti skolah kan... tiba2 terasa nk tukar background blog aku ni... tapi bila dh tukar , byk keje lain yg timbul.. byk benda nk kena btl kan jg... tp sebab bosan... aku buek jg hehehe.... kawan2 pun makin ramai yg ada blog.. so aku add jer sumer kt situ.. sng ada link...
apo laie nk citer ni ek... byk citer aku hutang.. citer kawin awin & razif kat jb & majlis wani & budiey kat kb .. gambar berlambak2 tp maleh nk edit... maleh nk karang citer... nk kata internet xde, ok jerr kt umh... nk kata laptop slow... laptop pn dh ok... laju jerr... tapi MALEH hahaha website fun corner pn dh berabukkk... baru jer renew domain... so nanti2 la.. kalau2 weekend aku free, aku buat sumer nyerrr... itu pn kalau aku xg mana2 la tapi kalau sampai masa RAJIN.. wah aku tak tido siap kan sumer keje...
baru2 ni aku balik kg... mmg tggu masa nk blk kg sbb nak gunting rambut, itu plan awal tapi hampeh... aku rs nk biar pjg jer rambut ni tapi rimas... then aku dpt blajar dr ank buah aku... psl camera la apa lg... dia guna D80... dia blajar kat Uitm melaka... dh ckp psl uitm melaka ni.. aku rasa dah 3 org ank buah aku amik diploma kt sana. so tiap minggu muka dowang jer la blk kg.. mcm aku dulu2 jg haha. now dowang dh grad pn sumer nyer sambung kat uitm shah alam plak...
lama sgt break... yg awl2 aku type ms kt opis then type separuh... aku benti jap... tp bkn benti kejap... benti lama hehehe apa lg aku nk citer ekk... aku rasa nk tido awl... kt opis ngantuk btl tp kt umah xnk tido plak...
ok la... kalau aku rajin... aku citer psl 2 majlis kawin ni... lbh2 lg citer psl eksiden kat kelantan...
apo laie nk citer ni ek... byk citer aku hutang.. citer kawin awin & razif kat jb & majlis wani & budiey kat kb .. gambar berlambak2 tp maleh nk edit... maleh nk karang citer... nk kata internet xde, ok jerr kt umh... nk kata laptop slow... laptop pn dh ok... laju jerr... tapi MALEH hahaha website fun corner pn dh berabukkk... baru jer renew domain... so nanti2 la.. kalau2 weekend aku free, aku buat sumer nyerrr... itu pn kalau aku xg mana2 la tapi kalau sampai masa RAJIN.. wah aku tak tido siap kan sumer keje...
baru2 ni aku balik kg... mmg tggu masa nk blk kg sbb nak gunting rambut, itu plan awal tapi hampeh... aku rs nk biar pjg jer rambut ni tapi rimas... then aku dpt blajar dr ank buah aku... psl camera la apa lg... dia guna D80... dia blajar kat Uitm melaka... dh ckp psl uitm melaka ni.. aku rasa dah 3 org ank buah aku amik diploma kt sana. so tiap minggu muka dowang jer la blk kg.. mcm aku dulu2 jg haha. now dowang dh grad pn sumer nyer sambung kat uitm shah alam plak...
lama sgt break... yg awl2 aku type ms kt opis then type separuh... aku benti jap... tp bkn benti kejap... benti lama hehehe apa lg aku nk citer ekk... aku rasa nk tido awl... kt opis ngantuk btl tp kt umah xnk tido plak...
ok la... kalau aku rajin... aku citer psl 2 majlis kawin ni... lbh2 lg citer psl eksiden kat kelantan...
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